Adiva House





Summer is here in full swing...........lazy afternoons, a tall glass of lemonade, a dip in the pool, children running in and out of the house, outdoor barbeques, tons of yard work. Summers are fun but don't underestimate the havoc all this plays on your skin.  A couple of more grey hairs, another line of character on your face..........we know what it's like and we bring you the best tips and tools to combat these stressers.   Take advantage of our products and just CHILL!

 Stress busters:

• Eat at least five servings of fruits/vegetables

• Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity   

• Spend at least 10 minutes being mindful 

• Get at least seven hours of sleep   

Did You Know?

Your skin is the largest organ in the human body! Pay attention to what goes on it

Culprit number 1 that gives you wrinkles:

Over exposure to the sun can leave you at risk for serious health risks, like skin cancer. According to the American Cancer Society everyone is at risk, but especially people with light skin, eye, or hair color, family history,  chronic sun exposure, a history of sunburns early in life and freckles. Rays from artificial sources of light such as tanning booths can also increase the risk of skin cancer.

What you can do to avoid sunburn:

Limit sun exposure
Wear protective clothing
Use sunscreen
Wear a wide-brimmed hat 
Wear sunglasses to protect the delicate skin around the eyes and to prevent premature wrinkling.
Be aware that products and cosmetics containing Alpha Hydroxy Acids like glycolic acid and lactic acid, certain antibiotics and anti-inflammatory  and non-steroidal drugs such as ibuprofen can increase sun sensitivity and the possibility of sunburn.  Protect your skin with sunscreen while using AHA-containing products and for a week after discontinuing their use.
Use a cold compress if you get sunburned. Severe cases may require a visit to the doctor.
Check your skin regularly for moles that change color or size, bleed, or have an irregular, spreading edge

Customer comments

Here are a few of our customers comments. Please feel free to send us yours

I love the hand and body lotion.  I did so much yard work this weekend and my hands still look great! - Cathy

I need some of that foot scrub before I go on vacation.   I can't believe how bad my feet look. - Joann

Oh!  The face polish you sell is sooooooo good.- Amina

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We're Here To Help

ADIVA HOUSE, INC is here for you. If you have questions or comments about our products, or want to know how to order please call us at:  214-597-7162 or e-mail us


All material, including pictures and information contained on this website, is the sole property of Adiva House, Inc.
Any copying of material without the prior consent of Adiva House, Inc. is strictly prohibited.
Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure, any disease.